Boeing B747-8V FAA-Approved PMA Parts Catalog by Page 9

Thank you for continuing to explore our expansive PMA parts catalog here on Commercial Aviation Components. Whether you are interested in top-requested part numbers like BACB10A223M2L, 77260, B183S32, 285U0019-207, 285U0034-205, or others that are found below, never hesitate to take advantage of our online RFQ service to request quotes on items of interest that you come across. Within 15 minutes of us receiving and reviewing a completed submission, we will reach out to you with a competitive quote for your comparisons. You are also welcome to give us a call or email to discuss the part numbers you are interested in, and we will do all that we can to provide optimal fulfillment options that cater to your unique needs and restrictions alike. With AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation, we promise PMA parts of the highest caliber with every purchase, and we uphold a fit, form, and function guarantee for your benefit. If you are ready to see how we can serve you for your needs, connect with us today.

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Part No. Description Model PMA Holder RFQ
BACB10A223M2L Bearing Boeing (747-100, -200, -300, -400) Networks Electronic Corp RFQ
77260 Bearing Boeing (Boeing Model(s) Per Eligibility Chart Dtd 5/3/96) RBC Transport Dynamics RFQ
B183S32 Coupling Boeing (747-100, 200, 300, 400, 737-200, 777-200) Transdigm Inc Adel Wiggins Group RFQ
285U0019-207 Printed Circuit Assembly-Fuel System Eicas Interface Boeing (747-8 SERIES, 747-8F SERIES) BAE Systems Controls Inc RFQ
285U0034-205 Printed Circuit Assembly-Surface Position Digitizer The Boeing Company (747-8 Series, 747-8F Series) BAE Systems Controls Inc RFQ
BACB30US4K32 Bolt Boeing (737-100,-200,-300, -400,-500, 757-200) Valley-Todeco Inc RFQ
1303-47-372 Configuration Module Amcu Boeing (747-8 Series) Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems Cancelled RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aertrim Lw Boeing (737-800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
ST3081-08 Nut. Slflkg Hex BOEING (747-400 Series) PRATT & WHITNEY CANADA (PT6A-38, PT6A-41, PT6A-42, PT6A-42A, PT6A-45A, PT6A-45B, PT6A-45R, PT6A-50, PT6A-60A, PT6A-60AG, PT6A-61, PT6A-62, PT6A-64, PT6A-65B, PT6A-65R, PT6A-65AR, PT6A-65AG, PT6A-67B & PT6A-67D, PW118, PW118A & PW118B) Wencor LLC RFQ
69B70231-1 Nut-Jam Boeing (737-200 Series, 737-200C Series, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series) Boeing (747-100 Series, 747-100B Series, 747-100B SUD Series, 747-200B Series, 747-200C Series, 747-200F Series, 747-300 Series, 747-400 Series, 747-400D Series, 747-400F Series, 747SP Series 747SR Series) Boeing (767-300 Series, 767-300F Series, 767-400ER Series) Aviation Materials Management Inc RFQ
90-10021-10 Retainer Assembly Boeing (747-400 SERIES, 747-400F SERIES) Goodrich Landing Gear RFQ
RD-AC1160-12 Css Handset Boeing (787-8) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
TS01232-0100-01 Wing Main Landing Gear Retract Actuator Assembly Boeing (747-8, 747-8F) Triumph Actuation Systems LLC formerly Frisby Aerospace RFQ
H759-43 Rack Pin Assembly Boeing (747-100, 200, 300) Hartwell Corporation RFQ
2139M44P01 Flow Sensor Venturi Bleed Bias General Electric (GEnx Series) Whittaker Controls Inc RFQ
BACC10BR2250A Retainer Assembly Boeing (737-100 Series, 737-200 Series, 737-200C Series, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series) Eaton Aeroquip LLC RFQ
232U4314-2 Strap Assembly BOEING (747-400 SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400F SERIES) AmSafe Bridport RFQ
217T1436-2 Retainer Assembly-E-E Cooling Test Ports Boeing (737-300 SERIES, 737-400 SERIES, 737-500 SERIES, 737-600 SERIES, 737-700 SERIES, 737-700C SERIES, 737-800 SERIES, 737-900 SERIES, 747-400 SERIES, 747 400D SERIES, 747-400F SERIES, 757-200 SERIES, 757-200CB SERIES, 757-200PF SERIES, 767-200 SERIES, 767-300 SERIES, 767-300F SERIES, 767-400ER SERIES, 777-200 SERIES, 777-300 SERIES, 777-300ER SERIES) BAE Systems Controls Inc RFQ
BAC27WCA194 Marker Boeing (747-8F SERIES) Boeing (777F SERIES) Aero Decals Inc RFQ
1579100-9 Inboard Aileron Pcu Assembly Boeing (747- 8 Series, 747-8F Series) Nabtesco Aerospace Inc RFQ
69B80798-2 Bracket Boeing (747-100B Series, 747-100B SUD Series, 747-200B Series, 747-200C Series, 747-200F Series, 747-300 Series, 747-400 Series, 747-400D Series, 747-400F Series, 747SP Series, 747SR Series) Aerotech Engineering Inc Surrendered RFQ
66-12688-1 Bushing Boeing (727-200 Series, -200F Series, 737-100 Series, -200 Series, -200C Series, -300 Series, -400 Series, -500 Series, 747-100 Series, -100B Series, -100B SUD Series, -200B Series, -200C Series, -200F Series, -300 Series, -400F Series, 747SP Series, 747SR Series, 757-200CB Series, -200PF Series) Aerotech Engineering Inc Surrendered RFQ
10-60545-77 Bearing Boeing (747SP,747SR SERIES, 747-100,100B,100B SUD,200,200C, 200F,300,400, 400D,400F SERIES, 757-200,200CB,200PF,300 SERIES, 767-200,300,300F, 400ER SERIES) NHBB RFQ
RDFM7358-168 Harness Assembly Seat To Seat Power Boeing (777-300ER SERIES) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
BACB10AW37 Bearing Boeing (747-100, -200, -300, -400, 767-200, -300) Timken US Corporation RFQ
69B81990-6 Bolt Assembly Boeing (747-200C SERIES, 747SR SERIES, 747SP SERIES, 747-400F SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400 SERIES, 747-100 SERIES, 747-200F SERIES, 747-200B SERIES, 747-100B SUD SERIES, 747-100B SERIES, 747-300 SERIES) Sonic Industries Inc RFQ
BACA14BA6B Adapter 45 Flareless Tube To Recessed Seal Boss Boeing (747-100B SUD SERIES, 747-200B SERIES, 747-200C SERIES, 747-200F SERIES, 747-300 SERIES, 747-400 SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400F SERIES, 747SP SERIES, 747SR SERIES, 747-100 SERIES, 747-100B SERIES) Airdrome Parts Company LLC RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
401U3500-53979 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-700 Series, 737-800 Series) Schneller LLC RFQ
30100022-3 Fire Extinguisher Boeing (777-200) Pacific Scientific HTL-Kin-Tech Div RFQ
BAC27TEX1118 Marker-Adjustment Etc Boeing (707, 727, 737 series) Aero Decals Inc RFQ
71890 Relief Valve Boeing (747 (all)) Vickers Inc Fluid Control and Actuation Div RFQ
J644P07B Bolt-Machine CFM International (CFM56-5B6/2, -5B6/2P, -5C2, -5C2/4, -5C2/F, -5C2/F4, -5C2/G, -5C2/G4, -5C3/F, -5C3/F4, -5C3/G, -5C3/G4, -5C4, -5C4/1, -7B18, -7B20, -7B22, -7B24, -7B26, -7B26/B1, -7B27, -7B20/2, -7B22/2, -7B24/2, -7B26/2 & -7B27/2, CFM56-2-C1, -2-C2, -2-C3, -2-C5, -2-C6, -3, -3B, -3C, -5, -5-A1, -5A1/F, -5A3, -5A4, -5A4/F, -5A5, -5A5/F, -5B1, -5B1/P, -5B1/2, -5B1/2P, -5B2, -5B2/P, -5B2/2, -5B2/2P, -5B3/P, -5B3/2P, -5B4, -5B4/P, -5B4/2, -5B4/2P, -5B5, -5B5/P, -5B6, -5B6/P,),General Electric (C Approved Quality Manufacturing RFQ
BACB10FU10J Bearing Boeing (737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -800, 747-100, -100B, -100B SUD, -200B, -200C, -200F, -300, 747-400, -400D, -400F, -SP, -SR, 767-200, -300, -300F, 777-200, -300) RBC Aircraft Products Inc RFQ
69B70997-12 Sub Kit Assembly Boeing (747-100 SERIES, 747-100B SERIES, 747-100B SUD SERIES, 747-200B SERIES, 747-200C SERIES, 747-200F SERIES, 747-300 SERIES, 747-400 SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400F SERIES, 747SP SERIES, 747SR SERIES) Goodrich Landing Gear RFQ
413U3165-7 Trim Boeing (707-100 LB, 707-100B LB, 707-100B SB, 707-200, 707-300 Series, 707-300B Series, 707-300C Series, 707-400 Series, 737-100 Series, 737-200 Series, 737-200C Series, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series, 737-600 Series, 737-700 Series, 737-700C Seri) Gemini Engineering Inc RFQ
BACR12BM011 Ring Back-Up THE BOEING COMPANY (777-200 SERIES, 777-300 SERIES) Trelleborg Sealing Solutions RFQ
RDAA902787-01 Assembly Credit Card Reader Boeing (777-300ER SERIES) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
BACB30US4K5 Bolt Boeing (737-100,-200,-300, -400,-500 747SP, 747-100,-200, -300,-400, 777-200) Valley-Todeco Inc RFQ
BACB10AU68 Bearing Boeing (747-100, 747-200, 747-300, 747-400) NHBB Inc RFQ
BAC27ECA276 Vinyl Decal Boeing (747 Series) GM NAMEPLATE RFQ
252U3113-1 Bushing Boeing (747-400 Series, 747-400D Series, 747-400F Series) Aerotech Engineering Inc Surrendered RFQ
RDFA1041-01 Ethernet Switch Boeing (787-8) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
401U3500-53979 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-700 Series, 737-800 Series) Schneller LLC RFQ
AVL365-1 Panel Fastener Boeing (777-200) Avibank Manufacturing Inc RFQ
401U3500-53979 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-300 Series , 737-700 Series, 737-800 Series, 737-900 Series, 737-900ER Series) Schneller LLC RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (B737-700, -800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
BACB10AC06 Bearing Boeing (737-100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 747-100, 200, 300, 400) NHBB Inc RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (B737-700, -800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
273U0015-10 Bumper Boeing (747-400 SERIES, 747-400D SERIES, 747-400F SERIES) Goodrich Landing Gear RFQ
65B11324-6 Corner Reveal Boeing (747-400 SERIES) Spirit AeroSystems Inc RFQ
RDKM6158-31 Harness Assembly Seat To Seat Power Boeing (777-300 SERIES) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
BAC27WCH404 Polyester Marker-Pallet 24 Boeing (777 Series) GM NAMEPLATE RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (B737-700, -800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
RDKA1003-04 File Server Airbus (A330-302) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
RDKM6158-13 Harness Assembly Seat To Seat Power Airbus (A330-302) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
321850 Valve Element Fuel Check Light Weight Size 32 Boeing (747-100 Series, 747-100B Series, 747-100B SUD Series, 747-200B Series, 747-200C Series, 747-200F Series, 747-300 Series, 747-400 Series, 747-400D Series, 747-400F Series) AeroControlex Group TransDigm Inc RFQ
BACG20AF14B1J Grommet Boeing (757-200) Meggitt Silicone Products CANCELLED SUPPLEMENTS RFQ
BACB10AF3F4HS Bearing Boeing (737-100, -200, -300, -400, -500, 747-100, -200. -300, -400) RBC Aircraft Products Inc RFQ
106019-1 Carburetor Model Ha-6 Textron - Lycoming (O-360 Series, LO-360 Series) Marvel Schebler Aircraft Carburetors LLC RFQ
BACB10A223M2L Bearing Boeing (747-100, 200, 300, 400 aircraft) RBC Heim Bearings RFQ
RDKM6158-21 Harness Assembly Seat To Seat Power Airbus (A340-642) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
130E100-4 Actuator Boeing (747) EEMCO Div of Datron Sys Inc RFQ
BACB30GP6 Bolt Lock Tension Boeing (737-100, -200, -300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -800 Series 767-200, -300 Series) Huck International Inc RFQ
BACC10GE32 Clamp Loop Boeing (727-200 SERIES, 727-200F SERIES) Boeing (737-200 SERIES, 737-600 SERIES, 737-700 SERIES, 737-700C SERIES, 737-900 SERIES) Boeing (747-300 SERIES, 747-400 SERIES, 747-400F SERIES) Boeing (757-200 SERIES, 757-200CB SERIES, 757-200PF SERIES, 757-300 SERIES) Boeing (767-300 SERIES, 767-300F SERIES) Boeing (777-200 SERIES) J And M Products Inc RFQ
BACA14AZ10AD Adapter Straight Flareless Tube To Recessed Seal Boss Boeing (747-100, -100B, -200B, -200C, -200F, -300, -400, -400D, -400F, 747SP, 747SR SERIES) Faber Enterprises Inc RFQ
P2-07-0001-214 Emergency Flashlight Boeing (737-300/400/500, 747-400, 757-200, 767-300, 777-200) Donaldson Company Inc RFQ
401U3503-2047 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-800 series) Schneller LLC RFQ
RDKM6590-92 Harness Assembly Swd-Fdb To Seat Data Boeing (737-900ER SERIES) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
401U3500-53979 Aerfilm Lhr Boeing (737-700 Series, 737-800 Series) Schneller LLC RFQ
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