Airbus A320 FAA-Approved PMA Parts Catalog by Page 2

Thank you for continuing to explore our expansive PMA parts catalog here on Commercial Aviation Components. Whether you are interested in top-requested part numbers like D2587010102000, J644P17A, 5905700, D2581035100000, D61267-1, or others that are found below, never hesitate to take advantage of our online RFQ service to request quotes on items of interest that you come across. Within 15 minutes of us receiving and reviewing a completed submission, we will reach out to you with a competitive quote for your comparisons. You are also welcome to give us a call or email to discuss the part numbers you are interested in, and we will do all that we can to provide optimal fulfillment options that cater to your unique needs and restrictions alike. With AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation, we promise PMA parts of the highest caliber with every purchase, and we uphold a fit, form, and function guarantee for your benefit. If you are ready to see how we can serve you for your needs, connect with us today.

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Part No. Description Model PMA Holder RFQ
D2587010102000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
J644P17A Bolt Machine General Electric (CF6-45A, CF6-45A2, CF6-50CA, CF6-50C, CF6-50C1, CF6-50C2, CF6-50C2B, CF6-50C2D, CF6-50C2-F, CF6-50C2-R, CF6-50E, CF6-50E1, CF6-50E2, CF6-80A, CF6-80A2, CF6-80A1, CF6-80A3, CF6-80C2D1F, CF6-80C2B1F, CF6-80C2B2F, CF6-80C2B4F, CF6-80C2B6F, CF6-80E1A2, CF6-80E1A3, CF6-80E1A4, CF6-80E1A4/B, CF34-10E5, CF34-10E5A1, CF34-10E6, CF34-10E6A1, CF34-10E7, GE90-76B, GE90-77B, GE90-85B, GE90-90B, GE90-94B, GE90-110B1, GE90-113B, GE90-115B) CFM International (CFM56-2, CFM56-2A, CFM56-2B, CFM5 Turbine Kinetics Inc A HEICO Aerospace Company RFQ
5905700 Valve-Vent Non-Push Airbus (A310- 204, 221, 222, 203, 322, 324, 304, 325 A300-601, -603, -620, -605R, -622R, -605R, -622R, 605R Variant F, -622, A318 -111, -112, A319 -111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320 -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321 -111, -112, -131, -211, -231, -212, -213, -232, A330-202, -223, -243, A330-301, -321, -322, -323, -341, -342, -343, A340-211, -311, -312, -313, -541, -642) Boeing (747-300 Series, 747-400 Series, 747-400D Series, 747-400F Series, 757-200 Series, 757-200PF Ser Wencor LLC formerly Dixie Aerospace LLC RFQ
D2581035100000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
D61267-1 Washer Airbus Industrie (A318-100 series A319-100 series A320-100 & -200 series A321-100 & -200 series) Wencor West Inc RFQ
34100005-1 Fire Extinguisher Bottle Airbus (A318-111, -112. A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133. A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233. A321-111, -112, -131, -211 -231) Pacific Scientific HTL-Kin-Tech Div RFQ
J221P916 Packing Preformed CFM International (CFM56-5 series) Wencor West Inc RFQ
J644P09D Bolt Machine General Electric (CF6-45A, CF6-45A2, CF6-50CA, CF6-50C, CF6-50C1, CF6-50C2, CF6-50C2B, CF6-50C2D, CF6-50C2-F, CF6-50C2-R, CF6-50E, CF6-50E1, CF6-50E2, CF6-80A, CF6-80A2, CF6-80C2A1, CF6-80C2A2, CF6-80C2A3, CF6-80C2A5, CF6-80C2A8, CF6-80C2B1, CF6-80C2B2, CF6-80C2B4, CF6-80C2B6, CF6-80C2D1F, CF6-80C2B1F, CF6-80C2B2F, CF6-80C2B4F, CF6-80C2B5F, CF6-80C2B6F, CF6-80C2B6FA, CF6-80C2B7F, CF6-80C2B8F, CF6-80C2A5F, CF6-80E1A2, CF6-80E1A3, CF6-80E1A4, CF6-80E1A4/B CF34-8C) CFM International (CFM56-2A, CFM5 Turbine Kinetics Inc A HEICO Aerospace Company RFQ
720752-74 Packing Preformed Pratt & Whitney (V2500 installed on the A319/320/321. PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090D, PW4098) Valtec Aircraft Supply RFQ
RDFM7751-044 Harness Assembly Pnb Seat To Seat Pwr-Data Airbus (A320 MODEL -271N) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
D2587272100000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
D2581022200800 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
178075-2700 Ca Assembly Wdb To Seb Airbus (A321-111,-112,-131,-211,-231) Thales Avionics In-Flight Systems RFQ
RDAM6852-4 Wdb To Seb Harness Airbus (A320-211) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
D2581045000100 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
769106A Airborne Ground Check Module Outline Airbus (A320 -111, -211,-212, -214, -231, -232, -233) Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation RFQ
RDAV1216-01 Video Cassette Player Airbus (A321-231) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
30900000M Fire Extinguisher Cartridge Airbus (A300 B2-1C, B4-2C, B2K-3C, B4-103, B2-203, B4-203 A310 200, 300 Series, A319-111, 112, 113, 114, 131, 132, A320-111, -211, 212, 214, 231, 232, 233, A321-111, 112, 131, A330-202, 301, A340-211, 212, 213, 311, 312, 313),Boeing (747-100, -200B, -200C, -200F, -300, -400, -400D, -400F 747SP, 747SR series),Cessna (650),Fokker (F.27 Mark 050, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, F.28 Mark 0070 (F70), Mark 0100 (F100), 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000),Raytheon (BAe 125-800A, BH 125 series 600A, HS 125 seri Applied Energy Technology Corp RFQ
ZCV241-1 Drain Valve Airbus (A319-131, A320-211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -211, -231, A340-312, -313) SAF Industries LLC d-b-a Gar-Kenyon Technologies RFQ
1303-47-059 Configuration Module Amcu Airbus (A319-111) Airbus (A319-112) Airbus (A319-113) Airbus (A319-114) Airbus (A319-115) Airbus (A319-131) Airbus (A319-132) Airbus (A319-133) Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems Cancelled RFQ
11093-4 Accumulator Assembly 50 Cu. In Brake And Utility Hydraulic Systems Bombardier, Inc. (CL-600-2C10, CL-600-2D15, CL-600-2D24, CL-600-2E25) Tactair Fluid Controls Inc RFQ
J221P161 Packing Preformed CFM International, S.A. (CFM56-2, CFM56-2A, CFM56-2B CFM56-2C1, CFM56-2C3, CFM56-2C5 & CFM56-2C6, CFM56-3, CFM56-3B & CFM56-3C, CFM56-5, CFM56-5-A1/F, CFM56-5A3, CFM56-5A4, CFM56-5A4/F, CFM56-5A5, CFM56-5A5/F, CFM56-5B1, CFM56-5B1/3, CFM56-5B1/P, CFM56-5B1/2P, CFM56-5B2, CFM56-5B2/3, CFM56-5B2/P, CFM56-5B2/2P, CFM56-5B3/3, CFM56-5B3/3B1, CFM56-5B3/P, CFM56-5B3/P1, CFM56-5B3/2P, CFM56-5B3/2P1, CFM56-5B4, CFM56-5B4/3, CFM56-5B4/3B1, CFM56-5B4/P, CFM56-5B4/P1, CFM56-5B4/2P, CFM56-5B4/2P1, CFM56-5B5 Wencor LLC RFQ
NP165331-2 Windshield-Rh Airbus (A320 -251N) PMA LLC RFQ
J952P15A Flush Head Torx Drive Machine Screw CFM International (CFM56-3,-3B,-3C CFM56-5B,-5C series engines) Dynatech Aerospace Inc RFQ
J626P05 Nut Self-Locking General Electric (CF6-80C2A1, -80C2A2, -80C2A3, -80C2A5, -80C2A5F, -80C2A8, -80C2B1, -80C2B1F, -80C2B2, -80C2B2F, -80C2B4, -80C2B4F, -80C2B5F, -80C2B6, -80C2B6F, -80C2B6FA, -80C2B7F, -80C2B8F, -80C2D1F, -80E1A2, -80E1A4) CFM International (CFM56-2, -2-C1, -2-C2, -2-C3 -2-C5, -2-C6, -2A, -2A-2, -2A-3, -2B, -2B-1, -3, -3-B1, -3B-2, -3C-1, -5, -5-A1, -5A1/F, -5A3, -5A4, -5A4/F, -5A5, -5A5/F, -5B1, -5B1/2, -5B1/2P, -5B1/P, -5B2, -5B2/2, -5B2/2P, -5B2/P, -5B3/2P, -5B3/P, -5B4, -5B4/2, -5B4/2P, -5B4/P Turbine Kinetics Inc Subsidiary of HEICO Corp RFQ
133740 Cover Bottom Airbus (A318-111, A319-111, A319-113, A319-115, A319-132, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A321-111, A321-212, A321-231) Jet Repair Center Inc RFQ
3505582-60 Spring Set Airbus (A318-111, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, A321-111, -112, -211,A340-211, -212, -213, -311, -313) CFM International (CFM56-5C2, -5C2/4, -5C2/F, -5C2/F4, -5C2/G, -5C2/G4, -5C3/F, -5C3/F4, -5C3/G, -5C3/G4, -5C4, -5C4/1) Aviation Component Solutions RFQ
20147-0103 Fuel Probe Ring Mount AIRBUS (A321 Model -111, A321 Model -112, A321 Model -131, A321 Model -211, A321 Model -231, A321 Model -232) Simmonds Precision Products Inc Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems-VT RFQ
D2587209000600 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
3115558-01 Sensor-Torque Pratt & Whitney Canada (PW124B, 125B, 126A) Rosemount Aerospace Inc RFQ
ABS0119-02 Bearing Airbus (A300-B2-1A, -B2-1C, -B2-203, -B2K-3C, -B4-2C, A300-B4-601, -B4-603, -B4-620, -B4-605R, A300-B4-622R, -F4-605R, -F4-622R, A310-203, -221, -222, -304, -322, -324, -325, A318-112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231, A330-201, -202, -203, -223, -243, -301, -321, -322, A330-323, -341, -342, -343, A340-211, -212, -213, -311, -312, -313, -541, -642) RBC Aircraft Products Inc RFQ
AS21919WDG16 Clamp-Loop Type Sikorsky (R00024BO) (S-92A) Sikorsky Global Helicopters RFQ
UP10815 Bush International Aero Engines (V2500-A1, V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5, V2525-D5, and V2528-D5.) Jet Avion Corporation A HEICO Aerospace Company RFQ
J221P916 Packing Preformed CFM International (CFM56-5, CFM56-7B18, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B22, CFM56-7B24, CFM56-7B26, CFM56-7B27, CFM56-7B20/2, CFM56-7B22/2, CFM56-7B24/2, CFM56-7B26/2, CFM56-7B27/2, CFM56-7B26/B1, CFM56-7B27/B1, CFM56-7B27/B3),General Electric (CF34-3A1, CF34-3B1, CF6-6, CF6-50, CF6-80C2) Valtec Aircraft Supply RFQ
J643P09A Bolt-Machine Double Hex Head General Electric (CF6-6D, CF6-6D1, CF6-6D1A, CF6-6K, CF6-6K2, CF6-45A, CF6-45A2, CF6-50C, CF6-50C1, CF6-50C2, CF6-50C2B, CF6-50C2D, CF6-50C2-F, CF6-50C2-R, CF6-50CA, CF6-50E, CF6-50E1, CF6-50E2, CF6-80A, CF6-80A1, CF6-80A2, CF6-80A3, CF6-80C2A1, CF6-80C2A2, CF6-80C2A3, CF6-80C2A5, CF6-80C2A5F, CF6-80C2B1, CF6-80C2B1F, CF6-80C2B2, CF6-80C2B2F, CF6-80C2B4, CF6-80C2B4F, CF6-80C2B6, CF6-80C2B6F, CF6-80C2B7F, CF6-80C2D1F, CF34-1A, CF34-3A, CF34-3A1, CF34-3A2, CF34-3B, CF34-3B1) CFM International (CFM Turbine Kinetics Inc A HEICO Aerospace Company RFQ
RDFP0195H14B Harness Assembly Ac-Aseb To Ac-Isps And Disc Airbus (A321 MODEL -211) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
D2581000901200 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
5009062 Bearing Pressure Loaded Driven Boeing (747-400, -400F series, 767-200, -300 series, 777-200, -300 series) McDonnell Douglas (MD-11 & -11F series) Airbus (A330-200 & -300 series) Pratt & Whitney (PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062, PW4062A, PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4152, PW4156, PW4156A, PW4158, PW4160, PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4460, PW4462 & PW4650 series) Wencor LLC formerly Dixie Aerospace LLC RFQ
ABS0951C3LM010 Pushbutton Led Switch Assembly Airbus (A318-100, A330-200, -300, A340-200, -300, -500 and -600 Series) Korry Electronics Co RFQ
J149P09 Nut CFM International (CFM56-2, -2A, -2B, -3, -3B, -3C, -5A1, -5A1/F, -5A3, -5A4, -5A4/F. -5A5, -5A5/F, -5B1, -5B2, -5B4, -5B5, -5B6, -5B1/2, -5B2/2, -5B4/2, -5B6/2, -5C, -5C2/F, -5C2/F4, -5C2/G, -5C2/G4, -5C2/4, -5C3/F, -5C3/F4, -5C3/G, -5C3/G4, -5C4, -5C4/1, -7B18, -7B20, -7B20/2, -7B22, -7B22/2, -7B24, -7B24/2, -7B26, -7B26/2, -7B27,-7B27/2) General Electric (CF6-80C2A1, -80C2A2, -80C2A3, -80C2A5, -80C2A8, -80E1A2, -80E1A4) Turbine Kinetics Inc Subsidiary of HEICO Corp RFQ
6A4139 Gasket Corrujoint International Aero Engines (V2500-A1, V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5) Adpma LLC RFQ
D2587011803400 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
RDAA8110-02 4g Cell Modem Airbus (A380-842) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
6555-00 Gasket Bombardier, Inc. (CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440)) HRD Aerosystems Inc RFQ
R9W2135 Fuel Filter Element CFM International (CFM56-5C2, -5C2/4, -5C2/F, -5C2/G, -5C2/F4, -5C2/G4, -5C3/F, -5C3/G, -5C3/F4, -5C3/G4, -5C4, -5C4/1) PTI Technologies Inc RFQ
RDNB2500-01 Broadband Controller Boeing (737-700 SERIES) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
8757-400 Gasket-Seal CFM International (CFM56-5 engine),Pratt & Whitney (PW4152, PW4152-3, PW4156A, PW4156-3, PW4158, PW4158-3, JT9D-7R4E1, JT9D-7R4H1) Valtec Aircraft Supply RFQ
D2587236100000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
795040-31-003 Dmu Airbus (A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) TELEDYNE CONTROLS LLC RFQ
10-631045-1 Exciter General Electric (CF6-6, CF6-50/45 all, CF6-80A/A2, CF6-801/A3, CF6-80C2 all, CF34-3 Series, GE90-75B, -76B, -85B, CF34-A1) Unison Industries RFQ
ABS0632-12-56 Seal Airbus (A300-B2-1A, -B2-1C, -B4-2C, -B2K-3C, -B4-103, -B2-203, -B4-203, -B4-601 -B4-603, -B4-620, -B4-605R, -B4-622R, -F4-605R, -F4-622R, A310-203, -204, -221, -222, -304, -322, -324, -325, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -131, -132, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231, A330-202, A330-301, A330-223, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323, A33-243, A330-341, A330-342, A330-343, A340-211, A340-311, A340-212, A340-312, A340-213, A340-313) Airtomic-A Dover Company formerly Cook Airtomic RFQ
J221P025 Packing Preformed CFM International (CFM56-3, CFM56-5),General Electric (CF6-80C2) Valtec Aircraft Supply RFQ
WM13292-002-475 Cable Assembly Antenna Coax Airbus (A321 MODEL -251N) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
RDFE9452-01 Digital Overhead Monitor Airbus (A320 MODEL -271N) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
411-0001-139 Coffee Maker Airbus (A319-112/ -113 -114/ -131 A320-111/ -211 -212/ -231 -232/ -233 A321-111/ -112 -131) B-E Aerospace Inc RFQ
RDFP0258F17BB Harness Assembly Aseb To Pcu-Rju Dbl Airbus (A321 MODEL -211) Panasonic Avionics Corporation RFQ
QA03995 Filter Element International Aero Engines (V2500-A1, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5) ATR-GIE Avions de Transport Regional (ATR42-200, -300, -320, -500, -101, -201, ATR72-201, -201, -102, -202, -211, -212, 212A) PTI Technologies Inc RFQ
D2527104520000 Inner Pane Airbus (A318 Series, A318 Model -111, A318 Model -112, A318 Model -121, & A318 Model -122, A319 Series, A319 Model -111, A319 Model -112, A319 Model -113, A319 Model -114, A319 Model -115, A319 Model -131, A319 Model -132, & A319 Model -133, A320 Series, A320 Model -211, A320 Model -212, A320 Model -214, A320 Model -231, A320 Model -232, A320 Model -233, A320 Model -251N, A320 Model -271N, & A320 Model -216, A321 Series, A321 Model -111, A321 Model -112, A321 Model -131, A321 Model -211, A321 Mo Triumph Airborne Structures LLC RFQ
8061-526 Packing Preformed CFM International (CFM56-5-A1/F, CFM56-5A3, CFM56-5A4, CFM56-5A4/F, CFM56-5A5, CFM56-5A5/F, CFM56-5B1, CFM56-5B1/P, CFM56-5B1/2P, CFM56-5B2, CFM56-5B1/3, CFM56-5B2/3, CFM56-5B3/3, CFM56-5B3/3B1, CFM56-5B2/P, CFM56-5B2/2P, CFM56-5B3/P, CFM56-5B4/3, CFM56-5B4/3B1, CFM56-5B5/3, CFM56-5B6/3, CFM56-5B3/2P, CFM56-5B4, CFM56-5B4/P, CFM56-5B4/2P, CFM56-5B5, CFM56-5B5/P, CFM56-5B6, CFM56-5B6/P, CFM56-5B6/2P, CFM56-5B7, CFM56-5B7/3, CFM56-5B8/3, CFM56-5B9/3, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-5C2/4, CFM56-5C2/F, CFM56-5C2/ Aviation Component Solutions RFQ
J221P219 Packing Preformed CFM International (CFM56-2, CFM56-2-C1, CFM56-2-C3, CFM56-3, CFM56-3-B1, CFM56-3B-2, CFM56-3C-1, CFM56-5) Kirkhill Aircraft Parts Co d-b-a KAPCO RFQ
D2581014002300 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
D2587035400000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
D2587089100400 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114, A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320-211, A320-212, A320-214, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211, A321-231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
83769H14-17 Bolt 220 Ksi External Wrenching Airbus (A318 (using CFM56-5B Engines) A319, A320, A321 (using CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, and V2500 Series Engines)) Jet Avion Corporation A HEICO Aerospace Company RFQ
8757-350 Seal General Electric (CFM56-5A/B/C) Airubs (A319,A320,A321, A340) Boeing (B737-300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -800, -900) McDonnel Douglas (MD-11 andMD-11F Scries Model Engines and Airplanes.) Aviation Engineering Consultants Inc AECI RFQ
5009061 Bearing Pratt & Whitney (PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062, PW4062A, PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4152, PW4156, PW4156A, PW4158, PW4160, PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4460, PW4462, PW4650) Jet Parts Engineering Inc. JPE RFQ
D2587214002000 Insulation Blanket Airbus (A318-111, -112, A319-111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132, -133, A320-111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232, -233, A321-111, -112, -131, -211, -231) Triumph Insulation Systems LLC formerly Mexmil Company RFQ
740-0499-503 Seal Assembly Seal Install Translating Sleeve Assembly Lh Thrust Reverser International Aero Engines (V2500-A1, V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5) Seal Dynamics Inc RFQ
MS29512-04 Fuel Ki T Cessna (42 1, S/Ns421-000J and up) C And D Associates Inc RFQ
ABS0951A0LP059 Pushbutton Led Switch Assembly Airbus (A319-100, A320-100, -200, A321-100 and -200 Series) Korry Electronics Co RFQ

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